
Course Updates

In our quest to ensure our students are on the cutting-edge of appliance repair, every Master Samurai Tech course is updated frequently with either new appliance repair knowledge or new and improved features to make it easier to master what’s already covered in the courses.

This page is a history of those changes, letting you check to see if there's anything new you’ve missed. It can also help clear up why a course might suddenly look or behave differently than what you’re used to—it could be that we just updated it! or it could be there’s a bug (in which case, please contact us). 

If you have any questions, reach out!

The most recent updates are listed first:

August 2019: Added a presentation on "Voltage & Voltage Drop, Loads & Switches, Jumpers & Cheaters" to Module 5, unit 4 in the Fundamentals course.

December 2017: Moved the Sealed System Thermodynamics presentations into their own Module with unit quizzes.

October 2017: Added several new units containing in-depth presentations to the Refrigerator Repair course: Troubleshooting Samsung Refrigerators, 3-Way Valves and Dual Evaporator Systems, Split Phase Compressors and PTC Start Devices, Ten Step Tango Refrigerator Workshop, and Refrigerator Sealed System Thermodynamics.

July 2017: Added the course Oven and Range Repair.

June 2017: Divided Fundamentals final exam into two parts.

April 2017: Added a video on "Loading Down in DC Power Supplies" to Module 6 Unit 4 of Advanced Troubleshooting.

March 2017: Added a final unit for the 3 technical courses for students to leave a review.

February 2017: Made significant changes to most of the units in the Troubleshooting Module of Fundamentals of Appliance Repair.

December 2016: Advanced Troubleshooting - Added a new unit, "Service Call Structure and Troubleshooting Strategies," to Module 2.

August 2016: Fundamentals - Added a new video on Basic Ohm's Law Calculations to Basic Electricity, Unit 3.

April 2016: Fundamentals - Added a new MST video on Capacitors to Basic Electronics, Unit 4.

March 2016: Fundamentals- Added a new MST original video to Module 4, Unit 6 (Control Board Configurations Used in Appliance Repair) on control boards used in appliances.

March 2016: All Technical Courses- Created a new page of webinar recordings covering a variety of topic available to all students enrolled in any technical course. See the Webinar Recordings page for details.

March 2016: Refrigerators- Added a new unit featuring a MST original video and a new quiz to the beginning of Module 2, "Systems Approach to Troubleshooting Refrigerators."

February 2016: Refrigerators - replaced 3rd party videos with MST-original videos and content in Module 1, Units 2 through 6.

February 2016: Fundamentals- Added a new MST original video and quiz questions on temperature sensors to Module 7, Unit 2.

January 2016: Fundamentals- Added a new MST original on parallel circuits to Module 3, Unit 5.

January 2016: Fundamentals- Added two MST original videos and re-wrote the quiz for Module 3, Unit 4 (Circuit Components).

December 2015- Modified the quiz structure and requirements in all courses. Quizzes are no longer blocking, and there are two attempts allowed for each quiz or exam, except for final exams, which still only have one attempt. See the Orientation unit for each course for complete details.

December 2015- Enrollment terms for course access changed for all students enrolling on or after December 21, 2015. See the Enroll page for the new details. This does not affect students enrolled before that date.

December 2015: Fundamentals and BEBC courses- Added a new MST original to Basic Electricity, Unit 8.

November 2015: All Technical Courses- Offering live training webinars (Office Hours) for all students enrolled in any technical course. See the Office Hours page for details.

November 2015: Fundamentals and BEBC courses- Added a Midterm Exam. Added new presentations to Basic Electricity, Units 3 and 6.

May 2015: Fundamentals course- Moved Unit 6 of the Troubleshooting Module, Using Ohm’s Law as a Troubleshooting Tool, to the new Advanced Schematic Analysis and Troubleshooting course.

May 2015: Fundamentals course- Added a MST original presentation to the Appliance Motors Module, Unit 2: Variable Frequency Drive Systems.

May 2015: Fundamentals course- Added a MST original presentation to the Basic Electricity Module, Unit 6: Circuit Breaker Panels and Power Outlets.

May 2015: Fundamentals course- Added a MST original presentation to the Troubleshooting Module, Unit 3: Troubleshooting Basics.

April 2015: Fundamentals course- Added another MST original presentation to Basic Electricity, Unit 5: Series and Parallel Circuits.

April 2015: Fundamentals course- Created a new unit that contains a new MST original presentation to the Troubleshooting module. Unit 6: Using Ohm’s Law as a Troubleshooting Tool.

April 2015: Fundamentals course- Added two more MST original presentations to the Basic Electricity module. Unit 1: Electrical Vocabulary. Unit 3: Introduction to Ohm's Law for Master Samurai Techs.

March 2015: Fundamentals course- Added two MST original presentations to the Basic Electricity module. Unit 2: What is Electricity? Current and Voltage; and Unit 5: Series and Parallel Circuits.

March 2015: Fundamentals course- Added information on loading and non-loading meters to Unit 7 of Module 3 (Basic Electricity).

February 2015: Fundamentals and Refrigerators courses- All regular unit quizzes have a limit of 3 attempts to pass. Read here for more info on that.

February 2015: Fundamentals and Refrigerators courses- Added Module exams at the end of each module to give students the opportunity to review and practice before moving on to the next module. They are made up of questions from the unit quizzes, and students must get 90% or better (2 attempts are allowed) to move on.

February 2015: Fundamentals course- Split the ultra-long Schematics unit in the Troubleshooting module into two separate units. They are now Units 4 and 5 in Module 5.

February 2015: Fundamentals course- Added two new MST original videos to Unit 4 in Troubleshooting (Module 5) on Schematic Magic and Using Electrically Equivalent Points.

December 2014: Fundamentals course- Added an MST presentation video on Understanding Schematics, Timing Charts, and Open Neutrals to the Troubleshooting Module (5), Schematics Unit 5.

November 2014: Fundamentals course- Added a new unit called Pre-diagnosing the Problem Before the Service Call to Troubleshooting, Module 5.

November 2014: Business course- A significant upgrade with lots of new material!