
Susan Brown

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  • in reply to: Mod 3 Unit 11 Electrical Symbols Clarification #18123
    Susan Brown

      Hi Darren,

      Could you please give me a little more detail? Which video, and at about what point in the video? Thanks!

      in reply to: Pressure Sensor Switch and transducer #18107
      Susan Brown

        What we encourage you to do is think about what the function of a pressure switch or transducer is (also called a water level switch) and how it works.

        If you understand how a part functions, then you can easily deduce what malfunctions you would expect to see caused by a defective pressure switch or transducer.

        We cover this in the Water Fill Control Systems unit.

        What do you think?

        in reply to: Appliantology Log in Issue #18103
        Susan Brown

          Hi Dean,

          Please use the Contact form at Appliantology for this so the proper Admin can help you.


          in reply to: Mod 3 Unit 11 Electrical Symbols Clarification #18078
          Susan Brown

            haha- PChem was over 30 years ago… would definitely be testing my memory!! Organic chemistry would be what would really make me cringe.

            in reply to: Mod 3 Unit 11 Electrical Symbols Clarification #18075
            Susan Brown

              Questions are good!

              The first one you mention has Fixed taps – this resistor offers two choices where you can get different resistances by connecting to one of those two taps (the vertical lines coming down off the resistor).

              The rheostat is adjustable. “Pot.” stands for potentiometer. The tap is adjustable (thus the arrow, rather than the lines like in the fixed one). (You could search for more info on those terms if you are curious, but that’s probably all you need to know for most appliance repair work.)

              in reply to: Mod 3, Unit 9 AC Current Contradiction #18036
              Susan Brown

                Hi Darren,

                Good job paying attention!

                We decided to remove that second, parenthetical mention, as it wasn’t really important to the point.

                AC current does change direction 120 times per second, but completes a full cycle 60 times per second. That’s where the two numbers can come from.

                in reply to: Since electricity won’t flow through the air, #18019
                Susan Brown


                  in reply to: Since electricity won’t flow through the air, #17943
                  Susan Brown

                    Good question.

                    Context is important!

                    In appliance repair, we are interested in power that can drive a load so it will do work. This requires sustained current, which can only happen in a closed circuit with a conductor (wire).

                    Things like lightning (or even the spark in a spark module on a gas cooktop) are momentary discharges that happen when there is a large voltage difference.

                    Do you see the difference?

                    in reply to: DSI and Gas Solenoid Valve #17922
                    Susan Brown

                      I answered the question that you asked.

                      First of all, you’ll know based on the system that you’re dealing with (DSI vs. HSI). You’ll know this by looking at the schematic, which you will do before you go on the service call (right??).

                      But there are example photos in the videos as well.

                      in reply to: DSI and Gas Solenoid Valve #17886
                      Susan Brown

                        They are two different types of valves and function differently. The only thing they have in common is they both convey gas.

                        The gas valve in an HSI has a bimetal and a heater – no solenoid.

                        Rewatch the portions of these videos on the valves:

                        DSI system (solenoid valve)

                        Hot Surface Ignition (“safety” valve)

                        in reply to: Quiz Question #17871
                        Susan Brown

                          (I moved your reply to your original topic)

                          Here’s the original problem statement:

                          When you walk up to the range you find that the left-front hot surface indicator light is on even though the surface is cold. That’s pretty much all the verification you need, but you go ahead and turn each burner on momentarily until the indicator lights come on, then turn them off. Sure enough, the left-front element’s light remains on while all the other ones turn off once their respective element cools down.

                          So, the LOI is one of the 4 lights that are each connected with a burner – the one for the LF burner.

                          There is also a single hot surface light that apparently comes on when the glass surface is above 150 degrees (according to the info on page 1 of the manual that we gave you) but is not connected to any particular burner.

                          in reply to: Quiz Question #17868
                          Susan Brown
                            in reply to: Compressor Cheater Cord #17865
                            Susan Brown

                              The second link I gave you mentions doing that.

                              in reply to: Quiz Question #17861
                              Susan Brown

                                For the quiz question, we tell you that you’re measuring voltage across the switch. This means you are able to get the measurement without any other loads being in between your two meter probes. Just go with that simple scenario to determine the answer.

                                In real life, you may or may not have “EEPs” available for particular components, but that’s a separate consideration.

                                This question is making sure you understand what a voltage reading is telling you. Reading source voltage across a switch means that the switch is open.

                                in reply to: Quiz Question #17858
                                Susan Brown

                                  Right. When a switch is closed, will you have a voltage difference across it?

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