Master the Internet in less than 30 Minutes!

We just launched a FREE (and fun) short course at the Master Samurai Tech Academy: Internetology: Internet Basics for Everyone

Younger people have practically grown up online, yet often are missing a few important concepts on how to use the internet as a professional tool.

Older folks manage to get around online, but often aren’t quite sure of some of the terminology and techniques of surfing the web, and are kind of embarrassed to ask for help. For example, IF YOU TYPE ONLINE MESSAGES IN ALL CAPS, THEN YOU NEED THIS COURSE! 😉

We’ve kept it brief, light, and fun so you can whip through it in a short amount of time, absorbing whatever information is helpful for you.

To take Internetology, all you need is a free registration at Master Samurai Tech which you can get here.

If you already have a student account, just make sure you are logged in and you’ll see it in your course listings on your login/welcome page.


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