Over the years Team Samurai has made numerous updates and improvements to the Fundamentals of Appliance Repair course. These include new videos and revamps of some units to help students better understand the material, as well as exams and quizzes to improve accountability.

On top of all these previous improvements, we're adding a new Module in January 2020 as well as overhauling of some of the Basic Electricity instruction and testing.

To better reflect how comprehensive this course is, we are changing its name to Core Appliance Repair Training (CART).

CART isn't a whole new course. Think of it as Fundamentals 2.0.

Already enrolled in Fundamentals? Here's what to expect.

The main difference will be the name change - Core, or CART, instead of Fundamentals. Your progress in the course won't be affected at all, and you will continue to access it the same way you always have.

You will soon see a new Module added before the Final Exam. We will also be updating some of the exams and quizzes in the course over the next few weeks. Students who are currently working through any of the units where changes are made may notice them, but it shouldn't be very disruptive.

Keep an eye on future newsletters where we will have updates on any significant changes. Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions!