Team Samurai is taking a rare vacation together to celebrate Mother of Samurai's 80th birthday with the extended Samurai clan this July.

Our internet access will be limited and we'll be on the other side of the world from most of you, but we will check in every day to take care of student needs.

What This Means For You

The beauty of online training is that most of it happens between you and the course software, without needing us to move things along. So most of you will be unaffected by our vacation.

But there are times when it becomes interactive, such as:

  • Midterm or Final exam grading on the Core course
  • Ask the Teacher Forums questions
  • Quiz or Exam Reset Requests

We will continue to take care of those needs, but our response time will be slower than usual.

To minimize any disruption of your course progress during this vacation period of 7/6 thru 7/16, keep the following in mind:

  • Be extra careful with your second attempts on quizzes and exams, so that you are less likely to need a reset.
  • Communicate with your supervisor (if applicable) about any deadlines for your training. Let them know things might move a little more slowly that week, if you happen to need Forum questions answered or an exam graded.
  • If you are worried about your course access ending during that time or any other issues regarding keeping your progress going during that time period, contact us ahead of time and we'll help you out.

Any contact forms that are sent in will be read and responded to, it will just take longer than our usual prompt turnaround.

Thank you for your patience as we take the opportunity to celebrate a special event with our family!