MST Academy students have real-time access to the Samurai every Monday evening at our live webinar "Office Hours." Sometimes it is just an open Q & A, other times it's a presentation that dives deeper into an appliance technology topic.

One of our most popular webinar formats is Troubleshooting with Tech Sheets, where the Samurai simulates troubleshooting scenarios using actual tech sheets from several real appliances to show how to kick appliance bootay the Samurai Way!

Attendees get to interact along the way, offering up possible answers to the problem scenarios and asking questions of their own.When possible, we make a recording of the webinar available to those unlucky few who can't attend live.

We call these live training webinars Office Hours and they're held every Monday evening-- details on this page.

If you're curious about what goes on during Office Hours, here's a 16-minute sample from last Monday. It shows just one of the five tech sheets that were covered in the full webinar. But this is a good peek into the teachings of the Samurai and the life of a master appliance tech.